Condé Nast Editorialist – Future Lion 2013 Winner

This fascinating idea of having customizable magazines was announced as a winner of Future Lions 2013 at Cannes yesterday. I would like to be able to select favorite/different articles and bundle them in individual magazines.

Credits: Alexander Norling and Sara Uhelski of Miami Ad School in San Francisco.

Beck’s Edison bottle

Genious idea by Beck’s to use a beer bottle as a sound carrier. Really like it.

Google Visual Assets Guidelines

If you are interested in Branding, Visual Guidelines and CD/CI make sure you take a look at these Google Guidelines on Behance: Part 1 and Part 2




Apple reveals new design and features for iOS7

Today, on the first day of Apple’s WWDC, we got a preview of how the OS of our iPhones will look like in a couple of months. Tim Cook presented iOS7, the first iOS version which is designed by Jony Ive and his team. Before this keynote there were a lot of rumors if Apple will make a big change and will follow the trend of flat design. Now we all can see that this is definitely huge step.

Wrong or right direction?

I kind of like the design approach and most of the features are pretty cool. I think Ive and his team took a lot of inspiration from the latest Android designs (which are really nice, I think) but they are missing consistency. Just have a look at all the new icons:

Inconsistency in iOS7 icons

Let’s see. I’m really curious to see it in real.

The new VSCO Cam

The new VSCO photo app looks really promising. Love the interface.

A new design for

Finally it’s done. After several starts and delays I managed to finish a project which had been on my to-do-list for a while: Redesigning my blog. It was about time to replace the old design and code. A lot of functions were missing and I wasn’t providing the best user experience.

new banner

Responsive Design & Interface

One of the biggest problems was the fact that the design was static. Already 10% of my visitors are browsing on mobile devices so I had to react: The new design is responsive. I am using the basic code of elmastudio’s Meola theme and changed some things and the design. They are doing a really great job.

Disqus & Post Formats

Everybody who is working with WordPress probably knows the issues with spam comments. In the past years I tried different options to solve that problem but nothing could satisfy me. So I decided to give Disqus a try. Disqus is providing a comment-function for every kind of website. It was very easy to embed and they are offering a simple function to import existing comments from WordPress. I’m very happy so far.

Another new thing is the implementation of Post Formats. I will start posting interesting links, thoughts and pictures as single posts and not as collection posts anymore.

What to expect from 2013

The first months of the year were extremely quiet here. This will change. I have a lot of ideas and with the introduction of the new design I got even more motivation to continue.

Also on a personal level this year will become very interesting and important for me. I will finish Miami Ad School next month and I will hopefully start a new challenge soon. There will be a separate post about my school experiences and my ideas and wishes for my new job.

For now: I hope you are enjoying the new design and I would appreciate all your feedback.

Red Bull Studios – Global Identity & Website

red bull studios global identity logo

A few days ago I stumbled upon the new visual identity and webdesign for Red Bull Studios created by Momkai. The Dutch digital creative agency is responsible for a stunning style guide for print and video elements and for the absolut fantastic inferface design of

“Red Bull Studios are a series of unique recording spaces that allow talented artists around the globe to be truly creative by providing free access to a network of state-of-the-art recording and production facilities.

We were invited to create both the new official website that would act as a portal to the local studio sites and develop a distinctive new visual identity supported by clear guidelines for all design work keeping quality and clarity easily attainable.”

Based on the traditional Red Bull colour palette, Momkai designed a fresh looking interface with logo, city code and unique pattern for each location. The website is responsive and uses CSS3 animations and SVG rendering for icons. Just a perfect executions.


Basic Toolset


Pattern example

Red Bull Studios New York Example

New York set example

More designs for Red Bull Studios

Nominierung für den GOW 2013

Eine schöne Nachricht erreichte mich diese Woche. Das Projekt, bei dem ich für die gestalterische und technische Umsetzung verantwortlich war, ist für den Grimme Online Award 2013 in der Kategorie Information nominiert. Inhaltlich, und damit hauptverantwortlich für diesen Erfolg, betreut Daniel Drepper das Projekt. Gratulation, Daniel!

Auf tragen wir alle Informationen zum Doping im Fußball zusammen, bereiten aktuelle Fälle auf und recherchieren selbst zum Thema. Wichtig ist die offene Kommunikation mit dem Publikum: Viele Hinweise kommen von den Lesern selbst. Gemeinsam soll über das bislang kaum beachtete Thema Dopng im Fußball aufgeklärt werden.

Noch bis zum 21. Juni, dem Tag der Preisverleihung, könnt ihr für den Publikumspreis abstimmen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr euch 2 Minuten Zeit nehmt und hier abstimmt.

Creating the World of Oblivion

Super impressive look at how the movie Oblivion was made. A lot of CGI was involved so the challenge was to make it look as real as possible. Well done.

Kenzo – “Watermarked”

Back in autumn 2012 KENZO published a seasonal lookbook with a great and humorous approach. It’s a parody of corporate stock photography showing typical poses you see on stockphotos like waving, hugging and turning out empty pockets. I love the style and irony in it.

directed by DIS Magazine’s Marco Roso

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