The Cinder Cone

Das, was hier eine kleine Gruppe guter Freunde auf die Beine gestellt hat, ist extrem beeindruckend. Sieht wirklich nach verdammt viel Spaß und sehr guter Freundschaft aus. Es gibt neben der Dokumentation noch eine Kickstarter-Kampagne … Read more →

17 Minutes on a teen’s computer screen

Noah is a short film created by Canadian film students Walter Woodman and Patrick Cederberg which shows how teens use the internet today. And it’s scary how real it feels.

Kenzo – “Watermarked”

Back in autumn 2012 KENZO published a seasonal lookbook with a great and humorous approach. It’s a parody of corporate stock photography showing typical poses you see on stockphotos like waving, hugging and turning out … Read more →

Coffee, Passion and Design.

As you may know I’m really into these videos about passion, crafting and process. Here is another one about coffee roasters. I think the job of a barista is very similar to what we as … Read more →

Finding Vivian Maier Trailer

2 years ago I wrote about the phenomenal story of Vivian Maier. Now there is an official trailer of the upcoming documentary. I’m really excited and can’t wait to see the whole movie.

The Harlem Shakes Dance Meme

Most of today’s internet memes are completly stupid and that’s why we love them. One of the most recent memes, The Harlem Shakes, is this in every way and it’s great. Initiated by the first … Read more →

R’HA by Kaleb Lechowski

R’HA is an amazing short film created by Kaleb Lechowski in his first two semesters at Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin. The 22-year-old Digital Film Design student is showing in an impressive way what’s possible without a … Read more →

Your entire life is online

To make people aware of the fact that their entire life can be found online and to provide information about safe internet banking the Belgian Financial Sector Federation febelfin did this stunt. I really like … Read more →

Microsoft’s impressive IllumiRoom project

I hardly play video games on consoles. I never owned a game consoles and still prefer my computer for gaming. But I am very impressed by an idea from Microsoft called IllumiRoom. It looks like … Read more →

Let’s Talk About Soil

Let’s Talk About Soil is a video explaining the issue “of soil resources around the world, covering the issues of degradation, urbanization, land grabbing and overexploitation; the film offers options to make the way we … Read more →

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