Attention to Detail: Animated placeholder text on

Today I spotted an interesting UI idea on In order to highlight the search field on the main page and remind the users to use this function, eventim uses an animated placeholder text in the input field. They are showing 6 different examples of search terms (additionally, the terms seem to represent current popular artists and events).

I’m not quite sure about the effectiveness of this technique but like the approach. It would be really interesting to know some numbers or results of A/B and usability tests. What do you think?

Helpful? Animated placeholder text in search input on

“Attention to Detail”-Series: In this series I try to spot little details in user interfaces or ux design which make the difference. See more Examples.

Attention to Detail: Google Application Form

I love the fact that Goole wants to know how you want to be called in case this name is different to the legal name.

Lovely detail in Google’s application form.

“Attention to Detail”-Series: In this series I want to find little details in user interfaces or ux design which make the difference. See more Examples.

Marteria und Paul Ripke in Lukla

Ich freue mich verdammt auf das neue Marteria Album, das am 31.1. erscheinen wird. Und was Marteria und Paul Ripke hier abliefern ist verdammte Oberklasse. Geile Musik und beeindruckende Bilder.

17 Minutes on a teen’s computer screen

Noah is a short film created by Canadian film students Walter Woodman and Patrick Cederberg which shows how teens use the internet today. And it’s scary how real it feels.

Multiscreen usage in Battlefield 4

Good to see Electronic Arts is pushing the use of multiple screens to improve the gaming experience in Battlefield 4. I don’t know wether all this features will be really useful or just kind of “nice to have” but it’s a way with a lot of potential. It’ll be very interesting to follow this topic in the next months and years.

#5YearsToLive follows #FirstWorldProblems

Last year DDB New York created the #FirstWorldProblems campaign for Water is Life. I wrote about it and pointed out that I liked the idea a lot but don’t agree with the faked execution.

Now there is a follow up campaign called #5YearsToLive. Very emotional and very cute. Great work, DDB NY.

The whole campaign will include the hashtag #5YearstoLife, as well as video clips featuring American kids, who probably won’t die at five years, reciting their own bucket lists.

The Pixel Painter

It’s never too late to start doing things you love.

“Hal Lasko, better known as Grandpa, worked as a graphic artist back when everything was done by hand. His family introduced him to the computer and Microsoft Paint long after he retired.
Now, Grandpa spends ten hours a day moving pixels around his computer paintings. His work is a blend of pointillism and 8-Bit art.”

Sbscribe — A social news and feed reader

Interesting concept for a new kind of reader and a great way to discover new stuff. Would like to try it.


After 2 years full of adventures, night shifts, intense experiences, crazy ideas, traveling, great advices, hard decisions, red bull, awesome people, inspiration and vibrant places I finally made it. I graduated from Miami Ad School Hamburg.

Diploma of Miami Ad School Europe

Tomorrow, me and my girlfriend will escape to Sweden for one week to enjoy the short freedom :) After that I’m happy to start a new chapter of my life and accept a new challenge!

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