How do I feel about blogging in English?

5 month ago I wrote for the first time about my plan to start blogging in English. A month later I tried it during my time in London. So, how do I feel about this … Read more →

Recommendations of the week #3

Time is running. Again it’s time for the weekly recommendations, starting with a funny and bizarre video effect: The technique behind it is very simple: The first line of the video is realtime, the second … Read more →

Recommendations of the week #2

This week passed by very quickly and I’m really sorry for not posting any new articles. Now it’s time for my weekly recommendations: On Reddit Peter Moore, the longest held hostage in Iraq (2,5 years), … Read more →

Recommendations of the week #1

In 2010 I started a little, weekly series in which I shared interesting links, articles or videos I had found during the week. I called it “Wochenend-Lektüre“. I don’t know why I stopped it after … Read more →

Polygon landscapes by Timothy Reynolds

I first saw some of Timothy Reynolds’ polygon worlds on Dribbble and I immediately fell in love with this 3D low-poly style. That was about 2 months ago and in the meantime his work was … Read more →

Youtube’s design is changing again

In June Google started to roll out a new design for their video platform Youtube. I wrote about it here. It is very similar to the latest redesign of Google+. Today I recognised some more … Read more →

What if money was no object?

An amazing lecture from the late Alan Watts. Just beautiful. In a bit more then half a year I (hopefully) will finish my studies and I’m still not sure what to do after it. What … Read more →

Don’t make up and drive

After I criticized advertising last week I want to highlight one of my favorite ads today. I stumbled upon this piece of work last month and I think it’s one of the best awareness campaigns … Read more →

Amazon’s Kindle Paperwhite available in Germany

Earlier today I checked the prices on ebay for Amazon’s Kindle Paperwhite, the awesome eReader presented in September. I didn’t order one because I hoped the prices for imports will drop in the coming weeks. … Read more →

Stormy Bondi

On sunday at Bondi Beach, Icebergs pool.

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