This is my first annual review in English. 2013 is already a few weeks old but I think it’s not too late to talk about the previous year. It was a year with a lot of different but exciting experiences. I moved from Stade to Hamburg, from Hamburg to London, from London to Sydney and from Australia back to Germany. I am back in Hamburg now and even though the weeks in London and Sydney were awesome, it feels great to be back. I love Hamburg!
Another big thing was the switch to English. It was a big step but I definitely don’t regret it. I already have drawn a positive conclusion in November. (Already 18% of the visitors are not from Germany)
I also had very interesting discussions after my posts about the Staedtler campaign (Follow-up) and the #firstworldproblems campaign by DDB. I hope there will be more in 2013. It was inspiring!
Facts & Numbers
Now, I will give you some insights in my statistics. I posted 86 articles last year (My goal was 104). There were 40.404 unique visitors (14.636 in 2011) from 104 different countries which generated 64.317 page impressions (27.694 in 2011). Really, really good numbers. Only the average visiting time dropped to 1:08 and the bouncing rate (77%) was higher than last year.
More numbers: 88% new visitors, 6.330 different keywords and 257 referrer links.
And more good news: FRONTAND reached over 200 RSS subscribers. It’s the first time I trust these numbers because I changed the tool to get them. I stopped using Feedburner and now have the WordPress plugin Simple Feed Stats.
The most popular articles in 2012:
- Dropbox-Speicherplatz kostenlos auf über 20GB erweitern
- Wireframe vs. MockUp
- Quellen für hochwertige und kostenlose PSD-Vorlagen
- Wireframes: Web Based Tools
- Upgrade your Dropbox space to more than 20 GB for free
- Beispiele für kreative Werbung – Teil 1
- Der Trick mit den Invites – Google+, Dribbble, FFFFound, Google Wave und co.
- TNT bringt mit dem Drama-Button Action nach Belgien
- Why I think DDB and “Water is Life” missed a great opportunity with their #FirstWorldProblems campaign
As I said in the beginning of this post, 2012 was a year full of important experiences. I reached nearly every goal for this blog and I am even more motivated to reach better results this year. I am very happy with the numbers but even more happy about the discussions which started here. Thank you!
I think 2013 won’t be less interesting (2 awesome months are already over), so I will write about my plans for the next 10 months and thoughts in a sperate post.