Creating the World of Oblivion

Super impressive look at how the movie Oblivion was made. A lot of CGI was involved so the challenge was to make it look as real as possible. Well done.

Coffee, Passion and Design.

As you may know I’m really into these videos about passion, crafting and process. Here is another one about coffee roasters. I think the job of a barista is very similar to what we as … Read more →

R’HA by Kaleb Lechowski

R’HA is an amazing short film created by Kaleb Lechowski in his first two semesters at Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin. The 22-year-old Digital Film Design student is showing in an impressive way what’s possible without a … Read more →

Let’s Talk About Soil

Let’s Talk About Soil is a video explaining the issue “of soil resources around the world, covering the issues of degradation, urbanization, land grabbing and overexploitation; the film offers options to make the way we … Read more →


I’m a big fan of these short documentaries about crafting and people talking about their passion. I could watch them all day long so I decided to collect some nice examples and recommend some good … Read more →

Why Infinite Scrolling sucks

Infinite Scrolling (or Endless Scrolling) isn’t a new trend anymore, it’s a common interface technique. Since the triumph of AJAX we see several websites loading new content automatically as soon as the user reaches the … Read more →

Polygon landscapes by Timothy Reynolds

I first saw some of Timothy Reynolds’ polygon worlds on Dribbble and I immediately fell in love with this 3D low-poly style. That was about 2 months ago and in the meantime his work was … Read more →

Youtube’s design is changing again

In June Google started to roll out a new design for their video platform Youtube. I wrote about it here. It is very similar to the latest redesign of Google+. Today I recognised some more … Read more →

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