Coffee, Passion and Design.

As you may know I’m really into these videos about passion, crafting and process. Here is another one about coffee roasters. I think the job of a barista is very similar to what we as … Read more →


I’m a big fan of these short documentaries about crafting and people talking about their passion. I could watch them all day long so I decided to collect some nice examples and recommend some good … Read more →

What if money was no object?

An amazing lecture from the late Alan Watts. Just beautiful. In a bit more then half a year I (hopefully) will finish my studies and I’m still not sure what to do after it. What … Read more →

UP THERE – Fassadenmalerei in NYC

UP THERE ist ein wirklich fantastischer kurzer Dokumentarfilm über die Kunst, das Leben und die Leidenschaft von Fassadenmalern in New York City. Unglaublich, wie die Stimmung bei der Arbeit und die Passion der Maler eingefangen … Read more →

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