"/> Microsoft's impressive IllumiRoom project - FRONTANDFRONTAND

Microsoft’s impressive IllumiRoom project

I hardly play video games on consoles. I never owned a game consoles and still prefer my computer for gaming. But I am very impressed by an idea from Microsoft called IllumiRoom. It looks like a really cool improvement of Ambilight, a technique for TVs developed by Philips. Microsoft says IllumiRoom is “designed to push the boundary of living room immersive entertainment by blending our virtual and physical worlds with projected visualizations”. I definitely would be interested in buying a console if this feature is part of it.

“The effects in the video are rendered in real time and are captured live — not special effects added in post processing.”

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Ich heiße Niclas Hellberg, komme aus Hamburg und arbeite momentan als Interaction Designer bei XING und Traumhaftes Italien. href="http://twitter.com">Twitter

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