"/> Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - FRONTANDFRONTAND

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Marcel already mentioned it: The new Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, will be available today.

Years ago I spent hundreds of hours for CS 1.6 and former versions. Sometimes I started my pc immediately after coming home from school and turned it off at night. I met my friends online. We tried to set up proper training sessions, we studied demos from our favorite teams and organised pcws (practical clan wars) against friends or other teams we found in irc.
We never reached the top but for some weeks we entered the top 100 (of 1500 active teams) of the esl and for us it was a huge success. But even more important: it was fun.

I really like the thought of having a new Counter-Strike because in the last year of my active time Counter-Strike:Source splitted up the big CS-Community into two. I don’t know if CS:GO has the potential to reunite the two communities but let’s give it a try.

Add me on steam.

Please feel free to correct my english in the comments. I’m not a native speaker so there might be any grammar or spelling mistakes in my posts :) I really would appreciate your help.

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Ich heiße Niclas Hellberg, komme aus Hamburg und arbeite momentan als Interaction Designer bei XING und Traumhaftes Italien. href="http://twitter.com">Twitter

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