Auf der Warm Gun Design Conference in San Francisco hat Luke Wroblewski, Autor von Web Form Design, über die Alternativen von Sign Up Forms gesprochen. Er stellt dabei drei Alternativen genauer vor: web services, communication tools, and gradual engagement.
Sign-up forms must die. Because, frankly we can do better than asking people to fill in a bunch of input fields when they want to use our products. In fact, we can get people engaged with digital services in a way that tells them how such services work and why they should care enough to use them. We can do this without explicitly making them fill out a sign-up form as a first step.
Ab Minute 24:15 beginnt sein Vortrag und er dauert ca. 18 Minuten. Leider ist die Qualität nicht ganz so gut, sie reicht aber, um alles zu verstehen.
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