"/> Brilliant: Sky Germany surprises amateur football teams with big event - FRONTANDFRONTAND

Brilliant: Sky Germany surprises amateur football teams with big event

What a brilliant idea. Last month the german paid tv channel Sky celebrated a friendly match between the football clubs SV Lohhof and SSV Dillingen (in the lowest set of divisions in the German football league system) like a big football event. While the players were in the cabins for the tactical briefing a crew of 93 people transformed the whole stadium to create a Bundesliga atmosphere. They brought big cameras, commentators, photographers, journalists, beautiful moderators and a lot of fans.
Next friday (4pm) Sky will show the whole match on tv. Great concept to show the greatness of amateur sport.

Please feel free to correct my english in the comments. I’m not a native speaker so there might be any grammar or spelling mistakes in my posts :) I really would appreciate your help.

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Ich heiße Niclas Hellberg, komme aus Hamburg und arbeite momentan als Interaction Designer bei XING und Traumhaftes Italien. href="http://twitter.com">Twitter

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